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I can login into Schoolgateway, but can’t make payments.

We need a valid, working e-mail address to be able to send receipts to for any payments made via Schoolgateway.  If you find that you can see the payment items, but can’t actually make payments then this would indicate the school has had an issue sending e-mails to your registered e-mail address.

If when sending out e-mails to parents these get bounced back for whatever reason, including no longer being a valid e-mail address, mailbox full or including an auto-responder message then the ability to pay will be disabled and you will also receive no more general communications from the school.  Please contact ICT Support at if this is what you believe to be the reason and we will re-activate if possible.

It could be that an e-mail sent by the School to parents has been marked as ‘Spam’ or ‘Junk’ by yourself or your e-mail provider/application.  When this happens, this gets reported and disables being able to send e-mails too that address.  If you believe this has happened, please ensure add the e-mail address gets added as a safe sender or as a contact in your address book.  Then contact ICT Support at where we will unblock it for you.  Please note, we can only unblock an e-mail address a certain number of times – if it continues to happen then the e-mail address will be blacklisted.

I can login, but only see very basic details of my child at Commonweal.

Full details of students will only be visible if you have Parental Responsibility.  You may need to discuss this with your child’s tutor or Head of House.