Forward thinking SEND department with state of the art facilities
At The Commonweal School we aim to be inclusive and to offer a student centered approach. We strive to ensure equal opportunities for all of our learners so they can achieve their potential, learn to the best of their ability, and become well rounded individuals.
The views of our students and their parents are of great importance to us. We always aim to listen to them and to work together to provide students with the tools they need on a pathway to future aspirations.
What makes this job so rewarding is the daily interaction with the students we support and being a part of their journey. Everything we do is about nurturing and developing our SEND students to reach their full potential. Students with SEND leave The Commonweal School with the tools and confidence they need to face the next steps of their journey.
Mainstream SEND
- For students with a range of Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND).
- An established core of specialist support for students who may have moderate learning difficulties, speech and language needs or are on the autistic spectrum.
- Managed by Becca Fidan (SENDCO) Monday to Wednesday and Ros Teeuwen (MSEND Coordinator).
- A variety of student led interventions are offered for students with SEND.
- Claire Gillmore (SEND Teacher) is based in the provision supporting the transition of vulnerable students.
- Support is based around in class support developing both student’s skills as well as their independence and confidence.
Physical disabilities SRP (Specialist Resource Provision)
- Established as an integral element of the school for over 25 years.
- For students with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for Physical Disability.
- Managed by Crystal Clifford-Budden (Joint SENDCO) Monday to Friday & Danuta Janicka (PI Coordinator).
- Placement for nineteen students.
- A team of 13 specialist teaching assistants.
- Specialist bathroom and personal care facilities.
- Bespoke facilities for personal care, physiotherapy, illness recovery and private study.
- Full integration of students into the school’s academic, pastoral and social life.
- Opportunities to experience a range of specialist sport and drama events, both locally and nationally.
The Faculty is supported by our SEND Administrator, Jo Innes.
As well as providing dedicated student support to students with Education Health and Care Plans, the Faculty works closely with the school’s Pastoral Team.
“It is the opinion of both visiting consultants that with their experience of visiting hundreds of schools, the high quality provision and outstanding support at The Commonweal School had seldom, if ever been seen before and the Leadership and Management of the school are to be congratulated.”
Inclusion Expert, 2017
To contact the SENCOS, please use senco@commonweal.co.uk and a member of the team will respond to your query.
Annual Report to Parents on the Provision of SEN at The Commonweal School – 2024
677.99 KB – Updated January 7, 2025
Commonweal School - Accessibility Plan
103.40 KB – Updated February 13, 2020
C3 - SEN /D Policy
450.27 KB – Updated December 11, 2024