
The Commonweal School has a long and proud history of serving its community. The world has changed beyond recognition since Commonweal first opened its doors to students in 1927, but Commonweal is still guided by the creed its name encapsulates – ‘For the good of all.’ The Commonweal School exists to serve the community in which it sits and the young people of that community. To live out the meaning of our name we strive every day:
- To prepare all our community to enter the modern, global world with the knowledge, skills and qualifications they need to build bright futures for themselves
- To prepare all our community with the values and perspectives they need to contribute to reshaping the world to the benefit of all
- To provide a rich and stimulating school experience for every student. This means the very best experiences both in and out of the classroom
- To always place the students first in everything we do
- To treat all members of the school community, and our wider community with care, decency, and respect
It is my great pleasure and privilege to have been entrusted with the future of this wonderful school. I want to build on the success that has gone before and push Commonweal to be better than ever. To make Commonweal the best it can be we will:
- Provide a curriculum that meets the needs of every single student. Carefully constructed to equip students with all the knowledge, skills, and values they will need both now and in future
- Deliver the curriculum highly effectively. Provide excellent teaching so that students make rapid progress in all the areas of the curriculum
- Provide extra-curricular activities, trip and visits that excite, stimulate, and challenge the students, giving them experiences that will be of lifelong benefit. Filling them with passion for the opportunities life can offer
- Offer personalised support to students so that they can overcome any barriers they face, so that all students can learn and achieve
Mr C Drew
Currently there are 1387 students on roll who come from a diverse range of backgrounds, both socio-economically and linguistically: over 40 nationalities are represented. We are passionate about learning both in and outside of the classroom, we steer the enthusiasm and energy of our students to develop character, compassion and service.
Our Planned Admission Number (PAN) is 216 for Years 7 to 11. We also have 300 places for students to study in our Commonweal Sixth Form (C6), which was opened in 2014.
Many students come from four primary schools located within the designated catchment area: Lethbridge, Robert Le Kyng, King William Street & Even Swindon; smaller numbers of students are drawn from over 30 other schools. The school reserves up to 20 places per cohort for students able to demonstrate genuine ability in the Performing Arts.
Strong relationships fostered between staff and students create a purposeful and learning-led atmosphere at Commonweal. We aim for our young people to look back on an educational experience which had inspired and challenged them.