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Commonweal is an outward looking school. We are keen to collaborate with other schools for mutual benefit. Over recent years this collaboration has taken a number of forms.

Education Strategy Partnership (ESP)
Commonweal was a member of ESP from September 2017 to August 2022. This was a group of twelve local schools from across all phases of education that collaborated to share best practice. Together we worked to improve teaching, learning, leadership, management, governance, SEND and financial management. Since the formal ending of ESP, we have continued to work with individual members of the group on on-going projects.

The Commonweal Cluster
Commonweal works especially closely with four local primary schools: Lethbridge, Even Swindon, King William Street and Robert le Kyng. In recent years we have worked on curriculum alignment so that students moving schools at the end of Year 6 have a single continuous curriculum. We have also work closely on the transition process so that students have a smooth, supportive, and enjoyable transition from primary schools to Commonweal

Leadership Partner School Network (LPSN)
The Commonweal School is a member of Leadership Partner School Network (LPSN). A group of like-minded schools from across the country who do lots of innovative things within and beyond the classroom. We meet regularly to share and discuss good practice, updates and strategies.

Swindon Teacher Training Partnership (SSTP)
Commonweal is a member of Swindon Teacher Training Partnership. A group of eight Swindon schools from across primary and secondary that provide opportunities for teacher training in collaboration with the University of the West of England.

SATNAV school-wide programme: Behaviour change through social betterment.

SATNAV is an academia-school collaborative programme of change that builds effective behaviour management via moral development within strong moral contexts. The comprehensive SATNAV programme helps schools to grow young people who will continue to make the right behavioural choices both after 3pm in their communities and post-16 into their futures.

Other Swindon Wide Partnerships
Commonweal are active participants in the Swindon Association of Secondary Headteachers (SASH), Behaviour and Attendance Leaders (B&A) and other professional networks across Swindon. Working with Swindon Borough Council, Swindon Schools Together and other secondary schools to produce a better education system for all of Swindon’s young people.