Letter to Parents from the Headteacher
Dear Parents/Carers
From Monday 23 March 2020 the Commonweal learning community will be moving online. The access to this is through Edulink One ( https://www.edulinkone.com/ )
Students have access to EduLink One App through their phones, tablets via either from the Apple App Store or Google Play, alternatively via laptops or PCs.
The links below have information on the home-schooling packages and also direct you to technical support, pastoral and wellbeing advice, guidance on constructing a timetable and support for the whole family in learning together.
- http://www.commonweal.co.uk/information/edulink-one/
- http://www.commonweal.co.uk/information/covid-19-safeguarding-statement/
- http://www.commonweal.co.uk/information/recommended-reads/
We understand that these are unprecedented times and that households are under a good deal of stress. We appreciate that there will be tensions concerning access to online services as the adults of the family need to work from home and our children need to access learning.
To alleviate some of this tension, the majority of home-school packages are designed to be completed in students’ books or on paper.
The home-schooling packages have been designed in two week blocks, and have a variety of activities. They also have an assessment aspect that we would like you to oversee.
We would also like you to consider alternative forms of education where the whole family can join in – cooking, physical exercise, collaborative project. We have also included a suggested reading list and would encourage you to find every opportunity to read.
I am aware that a good deal of learning support communities are popping up online. We have listed some in our advice. However, please supervise your children when using these to ensure their online safety.
If you have any queries please use the technical links below to walk you through any questions, on contact us using the Pastoral, Safeguarding or General Enquiries email addresses.
Although the school is closed we will not stop learning together.
Yours sincerely
Robert Linnegar