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The House System

There are four School Houses within Commonweal which are named after Historical sites within Wiltshire. These are:

  • Ridgeway
  • Sarum
  • Stonehenge
  • Whitehorse

Upon arrival at the school, each student is placed within a House.  This House will act as a ‘Community’ for the students, a school within a school. Students will compete in inter House events throughout the year.  The House with the most amount of points will be awarded the House Shield.  The House that wins Sports Week will be awarded the prestigious Dr Jones’ Shield.

Commonweal is very proud of the History of high quality Pastoral Care we provide through our House system.  The support networks provided by Tutors, the Head of House and Deputy Head of House within the House System work effectively to make students feel safe and cared for.

The most recent Ofsted Report for Commonweal stated that:

‘Students say they feel completely safe in school and if they have a problem, they know they can talk to a member of staff who will sort it out.’

We feel this reflects the day to day work within our House System which strives to maintain the traditions of Commonweal whilst constantly seeking to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of our students.

The Heads of House and Deputy Heads of House are helped by a team of Year 11 House Officials.  These students are chosen through a rigorous application and interview process.  They assist with break time duties, inter house competitions, Parents Evenings and Year 7 integration.


Head of House: Miss K Lang
Deputy Head of House: Miss L Chivers


Head of House: Mr M Scandling
Deputy Head of House: Mr D O’Neill


Head of House: Mrs S Whittington
Deputy Head of House: Mr S Roberts


Head of House: Miss A Burridge
Deputy Head of House: Miss C McSparron-Edwards