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GCSE Results 2023

GCSE 2023 StudentsWe would like to congratulate our Year 11 students for all their efforts leading to today’s collection of their GCSE results. We, as the Commonweal staff body, are so proud of your achievements. It has been lovely to see so many of you in the building to collect your results.

At Commonweal, we pride ourselves on teaching independence, resilience and overcoming adversity. We need to remind our Commonweal community that this year group were told about Covid in March 2020; an announcement that went on to disrupt nine months of their education over two school years. Virtual learning was put in place, support from parents/carers at home was vital, guidance and support from teachers was essential; hours and hours spent learning/reflecting/revising/self-testing was needed.

In total, students at Commonweal completed many GCSEs plus equivalent qualifications this summer. 67% of students achieved a Grade 4 or better in 5 subjects. 63% of students achieved at least 5 x Grade 4s including English and maths. In addition, our boys continued to make significant progress this year; an ongoing key priority for Commonweal.

There were notably strong performances in many of our subject areas including English, maths, Computer Science, PE, MFL and Drama. We know that many KS4 results will be celebrated today, but a few individuals need a mention for their outstanding results, these include Grade 9s which are reserved for the top 3% of students nationwide in each subject. A special congratulations goes to: Lily Nettleford, Pranav Gopal, Rhys Lucas and Henry Carvalho. We must also congratulate those students whose progress over 5 years far exceeded the average progress. Praise must be also be given to: Leticia Braz, Mariam Afolabi, Layla Brain, Hakesh Savalapu and Millie Lowden.

Charles Drew, Headteacher of Commonweal, said: “Great news today Year 11! We have seen your resilience and your contribution shine through. As per usual, we must thank our Commonweal community for your fantastic support.”