Level 3 Cambridge Technical Sport and Physical Activity
Teacher in charge of Subject
Mr J Sheppard
Head of PE
Are you interested in a career in the sports, health and fitness industry? Do you wish to develop your practical sports skills in a variety of sports? The Cambridge Technical Sport qualifications are aimed at students who display a love for sport, sports coaching and fitness.
These level 3 qualifications are designed to equip students with the work-related knowledge, understanding and skills that they will need to prepare them for higher education or employment within the sports sector. The Cambridge Technical Sport is a highly enjoyable, diverse and motivating subject which requires dedication and excellent levels of organisation.
If you display an enthusiasm towards sport, and enjoy working practically through performing, coaching and officiating then the Cambridge Technical in sport is for you!
Course Title
Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate
Exam Board and Specification No.
OCR – 05827
What do I need to have studied/have knowledge of?
To undertake The Cambridge Technical Sport course at the Commonweal Academy you will require a minimum of a pass standard at Level 2 C-Nat PE Merit or GCSE PE and English and Maths Grade 4. You must also achieve the minimum requirements as outlined in the school admissions policy, and display a keen interest in Sport and current Sporting issues. Due to the vocational nature of this course and the need for small class sizes, this course is limited in number. In the eventuality that the course capacity is reached, places will be allocated based on students’ GCSE grades and suitability.
What will I learn on this course?
This sports based course is composed of 2- 3 external assessments and through internally moderated tasks which are assessed through the production of coursework portfolios or through practical video evidence. The course places a distinct emphasis on developing the knowledge base required to be successful in a range of sporting professions and degree-level courses.
During the two-year course students will undertake a range of mandatory units, including; Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport, Sports Coaching and Sports Organisation and development. Students will also undertake a number of optional units, including some of the following; Sports Injuries and Rehabilitations, Sports Performance, Organising Sporting Events, Performance Analysis, Health and Fitness Testing for Sport, Sports Psychology and Physical Activity for Specific Groups
What key skills will I develop?
The focus of this subject is to equip students with skills and knowledge required for higher education or the world of work by providing opportunities to acquire key skills in application of number, communication, information and communication technology, working with others and working independently, problem solving and improving own learning and performance. Throughout the course you will take part in practical projects and you will learn to carry out independent research whilst working on coursework-based assignments. ICT will be extensively used for portfolio and written assignments. The practical and theoretical elements will assist in the development of personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.
How will I be assessed?
The Extended Certificate is a 360 (GLH) qualification that is equivalent to one A-Level. This course consists of mandatory units, plus a variety of optional units. Throughout the two-year course you will take part in practical projects, which will take the form of case studies, evaluative studies, report writing, projects, training programmes, presentations and a range of externally assessed units/ examinations.
What could this course lead to?
The teaching you will receive will enable you to progress into employment within a range of sports related areas, or on to higher education courses at College or University, such as; sport and exercise science, sports development, Sports coaching, sports engineering, sports management and coach education/ PE teaching.
Additional events, trips or enrichment activities
We will be providing all students with numerous opportunities to coach and lead our younger students, we also run university visits, provide opportunities to play recreational sport at C6 and provide the opportunity to attend our Sporting futures event that includes talks from external agencies such as; US scholarships, coaching opportunities and sports-related apprenticeships.
Are there any additional costs for this course?
Students will be expected to have appropriate sports based kit to wear when representing the school both in lessons and extra-curricular activities.
Students will be expected to pay for an externally assessed Outdoor and Adventurous Activity trip that the PE department organise as part of their Unit 18 assessment.
Students on the STFC Football Education Programme will also be expected to undertake their FA Level 1 Coaching qualification to supplement the Cambridge Technical course. This is usually part-subsidised by STFC.
Any trips/ visits will incur an additional fee.
Mr J Sheppard – jsheppard@commonweal.co.uk