AS/A-Level Chemistry
Teacher in charge of Subject
Mrs E Travers
The complex, diverse and exciting universe in which we live is only truly explained by Chemistry (and Physics). Other fields of study are just colouring in the details. Chemistry is the study of the laws and systems that govern all the phenomena of existence.
When you are literate in Chemistry the universe looks very different to you. Seemingly endless complexity and diversity can be understood and explained. You see further, think deeper and gain profound insights.
Course Title
AS/A-Level Chemistry
Exam Board and Specification No.
OCR – Chemistry A
What do I need to have studied/have knowledge of?
A sound grounding in GCSE sciences is needed. You should have at least 2 grade 6’s in GCSE science subjects. This should include GCSE chemistry or GCSE combined science.
In addition you need to be numerate and literate. Mathematics is the language of science. A 6 grade or better in GCSE Maths is preferable.
What will I learn on this course?
The Full A level Course will be taught in 6 modules over the 2 years.
- Module 1 – Development of practical skills
- Module 2- Foundation in chemistry
- Module 3- Periodic table and energy
- Module 4- Core organic chemistry
- Module 5- Physical chemistry and transition elements Module 6- Organic chemistry and analysis
A separate practical endorsement in chemistry is also obtained from completing the practical elements of the course successfully.
The AS Course will be taught in 4 modules over 1 year.
- Module 1 – Development of practical skills
- Module 2- Foundation in chemistry
- Module 3- Periodic table and energy
- Module 4- Core organic chemistry
No practical endorsement will be given for the AS course though there will be questions on practical skills in the examination.
What key skills will I develop?
Chemistry is not a just a body of knowledge it is a way of thinking and looking at the universe. Chemistry teaches investigative thinking; practical laboratory skills; the assessment of evidence; the evaluation of data and creative thinking.
A-Level Chemistry also addresses the place of Science in society and in the 21st Century economy.
How will I be assessed?
AS Examinations
- Breadth in Chemistry (H032/01) – Modules 1-4, 1hr 30min, 50% of Final Grade
- Depth in Chemistry (H032/02) – Modules 1-4, 1hr 30min, 50% of Final Grade
A-Level Examinations
- Periodic Table, Elements and Physical Chemistry (H432/01), Module 1,2,3 + 5, 2hr 15min, 37% of Final Grade
- Synthesis and Analytical Technique (H432/02), Modules 1,2,4 + 6, 2hr 15min, 37% of Final Grade
- Unified Chemistry (H432/03), Modules 1-6, 1hr 30min, 26% of Final Grade
H432/04 – Practical endorsement can be awarded separately for becoming competent in all skill areas.
What could this course lead to?
This course can lead to many areas of further study including degrees in Chemistry, Biochemistry and related sciences. A-Level Chemistry can lead to careers in medicinal, pharmaceutical and chemical research and industries.
Chemistry is also vital for students hoping to study Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science.
Additional events, trips or enrichment activities
As a practical course A-Level Chemistry contains a rich programme of practical work. In addition it will include opportunities to visit university and/or industrial research labs.
Are there any additional costs for this course?
Students will need lab coats, safety glasses; lab books and scientific calculators. They will also need text books.
Who do I contact if I have any further questions?
Mrs E Travers: etravers@commonweal.co.uk
Curriculum Maps
Chemistry A level Curriculum Map
131.31 KB – Updated November 3, 2020