A2 Art and Design (Fine Art)
Teachers in charge of Subject
Mr A Sanghera
Miss E Lord
Do you want a career you love in the Creative Industries? Have you thought about a future as an artist, designer, photographer, curator, teacher or architect? This A-level course is aimed at students with an ambition to succeed and a love of Art.
Did you know 9% of all jobs in the UK are currently in the creative sector? The Creative Industries are a growing sector of the jobs market, despite the current recession. If you feel you are a creative person, enjoy working practically through sculpture, painting and or illustration, using your creative brain imaginatively and to making links to artists (and the wider world) then Art is for you.
At this stage you should have a passion for and love of the subject. This, however, does not mean you can only study Art if you are striving to be a life-long artist, but you do require dedication, enthusiasm for the subject. Art is a highly enjoyable, personal and motivating subject, in which you can grow artistically and personally.
Course Title
A2 Art and Design (Fine Art)
Exam Board and Specification No.
AQA Art and Design 7202
What do I need to have studied/have knowledge of?
To do Art A level at Commonweal Academy you will need to have studied Art to GCSE level and to have gained a 6 (or above).
You will be expected to show a portfolio at interview.
What will I learn on this course?
This art course places a distinct emphasis on the exploration of ideas, materials, visual and other sensory sources. They are concerned with the development of your individual responses to your own first hand experience, as well as to the work of other artists, craftspeople and designers.
During the first two terms of the AS course; you will be encouraged to explore the creative potential of different media and processes. The aim of this essentially experimental phase is to encourage you to acquire and develop skills and awareness.
Drawing from observation as a means of investigation and research will be an essential aspect of the course and all students will be expected to develop their experience and confidence in this area. There will be a life drawing element to the course, that all students will be expected to attend.
What key skills will I develop?
The focus of this subject is to develop the Art skills that students have already acquired at GCSE level and to increase their knowledge and understanding in creating their own work. Sketchbooks are essential to the course and are used to record and develop relevant ideas, drawings and contextual information. They will act as a record of the journey that you take through you a level studies.
Throughout the course you will take part in practical projects and skill development work. You will learn to carry out independent research from various sources whilst working on assignments, and to work to set questions. ICT will be widely used both for practical work, portfolio and written assignments.
How will I be assessed?
This A Level is a four-unit award that spans a two-year course.
The externally assessed components of this course are The Personal Investigation (60%) and an Externally Set Assignment (40%) – the main bulk of which are done in Yr 13. This gives students a chance to explore and develop their skills during Yr 12, whilst deciding on a personal line of investigation that will be completed in Yr 13. All work made throughout the course will be presented in a portfolio that will be needed for entry to further education
What could this course lead to?
The expert training you will receive will equip you to progress to higher education courses at Colleges or Universities, or to enter employment within the creative industries.
Career options could include: Fine Artist, Gallery Curator, Illustrator, Comic Artist, Sculptor, Painter, Set Design, Set Building, Costume Design, Costume Making, Creative Director, Scenic Painter, Props Maker, Special Effects Sculptor, Concept Artist, Model Maker,Teacher, Fabricator, Graphic Design, Puppetry, Marketing, Magazine design and production, Fashion Illustration, Fashion textiles, Creative textiles, Fashion Photography and General Photography.
Additional events, trips or enrichment activities
We aim to provide all students numerous opportunities to visit galleries, exhibitions and artist studios throughout the course. There will be at least one residential course to a foreign city that all students will have the opportunity take part in, past art tours have included visits to Florence, Paris and New York.
There is a life drawing element to the course, which all students will be expected to attend.
Are there any additional costs for this course?
Students will be expected to have an A3 journal for each module of the course that they undertake. These will be available to buy through the school ‘art shop’ as well as materials and canvases. Like the GCSE, an art pack will be available to buy that will give students their own media to work with at home or during their independent study time.
Any visits to galleries, exhibitions or the residential trip will also have an additional fee.
Who do I contact if I have any further questions?
Mr A Sanghera (asanghera@commonweal.co.uk)
Miss E Lord (elord@commonweal.co.uk)