Commonweal Sixth Form – A Level Results 2020
Commonweal Sixth Form is celebrating its best ever set of A Level and Level 3 results which build upon a foundation of five years of growth and academic progress. Regardless of the additional academic and personal challenges that students have faced they can be rightfully proud of their achievements which are a genuine reflection of their committed approach to their studies over the past two years.
With an A*-E pass rate of 99% and 50% of all grades achieved at A*-B, these very pleasing figures should ensure that the Sixth Form has performed very well against national and local performance figures. In addition, students achieved a record number of A* and A grades with 21% of qualifications achieved at this level. This demonstrates that Commonweal Sixth Form has once again been successful in achieving its goals of helping students to gain high levels of academic qualification and progress onwards to further academic studies. Students have responded to the high standards of teaching and excellent pastoral support with enormous commitment and hard work and this is reflected in these results. In addition, three students have secured prestigious places at the University of Oxford.
Whilst the sixth form is proud of the achievements of all of its students, there were many notable individual performances, including Emily Pont who secured her place at the University of Oxford to study History of Art with 3 A*s, Sacha Marlow who will be studying Law at the University of Oxford after gaining A* A* A, Felix Bowyer achieved A* A* A and will be studying Computer Systems Engineering at the University of Warwick, Jacob Pritchard who will be studying Mathematics at the University of Bath after gaining A* A* A and Raahavy Rasaiya who will be studying Law at University of Kent achieving A* A A.
There were very strong subject performances, with high levels of academic achievement and students making excellent progress against national targets in Chemistry, Drama, English Language, French, Geography, PE, Physics, R.E. and Spanish. Strong performances across a broad range of subjects has meant that, once again, a very high proportion of students have been successful in gaining a place at their first choice of university.
Bob Linnegar, Headteacher, said, “During this exceptionally challenging time, we are very proud of all of our students; their genuine hard work and commitment is reflected in this very pleasing set of results. In addition, they are testament to the excellent standard of teaching and support provided to all students throughout what has been a difficult period in education.”
Our Year 13 students now leave us for the next exciting chapter in their lives and we wish them the very best. Our Year 12 students have already laid very solid foundations to ensure that they achieve their goals this time next year regardless of the additional challenges that they have faced. As always, our commitment remains to work with a very broad range of students to ensure that they are able to achieve above and beyond their own expectations. We would like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support during a challenging two years of A Level and Level 3 study.